430 Hackney Road
18th November 64
My ever dear Alexander
Ere this you have no doubt received my last, acknowledging your kindness for the enclosure. I wish I had your letter here before me that I might examine it and see whether I had answered all your enquiries. I have been expecting a letter from you for some time.
We get papers occasionally but our newspapers contain the first intelligence of your wonderful doing in America. How much do I wish matters could be brougbt to a settlement. The destruction of lives is awful. I think it is enough to bring down the judgements of Heaven. The account of Fort Pillow? massacre is terrific. We received it from you yesterday.
How about the mines? I hope you are realizing your thousands and will ere long visit England in company with your dear wife, resolving to make it your home. I often feel it to be a severe privation to be deprived of the society of all my children. How nice it would be to have them occasionally looking in and taking a social meal with us. A little consultation is desirable as we can say to our own that which we cannot to mere acquaintances and receive a little sympathy which is so delightful. It is I think the sweetener of life.
I believe I have informed you that your uncle Alexander lost his little girl a few months since. He bows to the rod with great submission and fortitude but no doubt it is a bitter pill. Your aunt Everitt is settled down for the winter at Hastings. She is secluded [situated?] very near the sea so that she can see it from the windows. She seems delighted with the view of it. She has been going to leave the world by all accounts for years but she seems now in very fair health. Your uncle Daniel and his wife visited us a short time since. The former is looking unusually well but unfortunately he is very lame from rheumatism. Charlotte is looking much older. Indeed we seem (of our generation) to be fast going excepting one or two favored ones.
Hackney Road is being turned into shops. Soon there will not be a private house. The Park (which is a splendid one) brings a great many people into the neighborhood and houses and villas are springing up everywhere.
Present my most affectionate love to dear Andrea. Tell her to write to me. I should be very pleased to receive another letter from her.
With love and best wishes to you, believe me
My dear Son
Your ever affectionate Mother
S Murray